In response to the previous post, I've accumulated 7 ways to read a female's body language...So guys if you have been reading my posts, this will be your favourite for sure.

Want to know what she is really thinking and feeling? How to read her body language gestures to get it right? Understanding her body language has never been made easier although it may trigger 'The Naughty Alarm' but its for your own advantage.
1: Her chest : When indulging in foreplay, a pinkish flush will colour the skin of her chest (if its exposed of course...don't go and do somrthing stupid!), this is known as a “sex flush”. This occurs as a result of changes in her blood pressure and circulation, as well as her respiration and pulse rates. This is her subtle way of telling you that you could get lucky (as in 'getting' her) if you keep on with what you are doing. Another positive sign that you are doing it right is when her breasts start to enlarge. Women’s breasts will increase by as much as 25% when they are sexually if you are hyper-observant, you can see this. But try not to get caught!
2: Her pupils : A woman’s pupils will dilate when she is stimulated by you. Subconsciously, her body is made to want to see more of whatever is pleasing her visually. To do this, her irises have to let in more light. At this point she is also starting to look hotter to you as well, as research has shown that guys are more attracted to girls with larger pupils. A win-win situation!
3: Her eyelashes. Look her in the eyes for a minute. She should be blinking about 15 times per minute. Research has shown that the you look in her eyes, the more likely you'll get a second or third date!
4: Her fingernails : Body-focused repetitive behaviours such as nail biting and cuticle picking are strong signs of anxiety or depression in women but not as much as men. Try not to nag her to stop; this can just make it worse. Try taking her hand, gently squeeze or massage it, and then keep holding it. You should be able to feel the tension leave her hand.

5: The Hair Flick : When a woman starts playing with her hair she is sending strong sexual body language signals that she is available. Stroking her hair is a good sign, but the best of the lot is the hair flick. This is said to be the surest signal that she is sexually attracted to you.
6: Her Neck: Stroking her neck or playing with her necklace are also very strong flirting body language signs, By doing these things she is drawing attention to her breasts. Throats and necks are lover’s only zones, and if she is also arching her neck the signal is even stronger.

7: Her Mouth: When a woman starts to think sexual thoughts, she touches her mouth. Licking her lips, sucking on the straw or spoon suggestively, and sticking things in her mouth are all indicators that she could be up for it. Eating, drinking, and smoking faster are also great body language gestures indicative of erotic thoughts.
Girls...if you are reading this, please don't think that you can control it...because you can't. Neither the boys!
Adapted and modified from The Definitive Book of Body Language.
Written by your buddy Ariff with appreciation to Allan and Barbara Pease.
©Naughty Productions
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