There's two type of manipulation (the ones I can think of anyway~), conscious or unconscious, is not evil. Conscious manipulation is a choice! Unconscious manipulation is a habit rooted in fear.
Conscious Manipulation
Some people consciously choose to manipulate others in order to get what they want. Commercials for example manipulate us. “You will be such a cool guy and all chicks will dig you if you wear those pants”, etc. They call it “to create a need”. And then we gladly buy the product that will fulfill the need we wouldn’t have had if they hadn’t "brainwashed" us in the first place.
*Actually I find observing commercials fascinating...especially when someone is dumb enough to think that everything they say is 100% my opinion I'd say they're mentally screwed! XD*
Many other people also use manipulation in a deliberate and conscious way to reach their goals...I normally use it to obtain information about the people in my a way its kinda fun....hahahaha naughty me~
These are choices I would not make(unless necessary~)--->using sneaky tactics to play on someone’s weaknesses in order to control their feelings and behavior with professional tricks.
That being said, in my opinion manipulation isn’t evil. All choices we made are valid to our own perspective or context. The word “evil” doesn’t make any sense in my world of manipulation. The good and evil, is only a choice made by the manipulator...
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