Mentalist :
A mentalist is someone who uses their mental acuity to make suggestions or hypnotize someone. Mentalists are also a master manipulator of thoughts and behaviour.
Posted on 9:41 PM

The Power of Deduction : Observation Pt 1

Filed Under () By Ariff at 9:41 PM

"Holmes, you see everything." Watson said.
"I see no more than you, but I have trained myself to notice what I see." Sherlock Holmes


Whenever you are faced with any new situation or problem, you must first observe it. Observation requires patience of course as well as detachment. Think of one of those beautiful, intense glares from Sherlock Holmes as he pans a room taking in every detail (especially the tiniest little detail). If you are emotionally involved your observation you will be clouded by your emotional being.

You must become as detached as possible. Just allow what is there to present itself to you. Open up your senses. Really listen, let the sounds impact upon you. Notice the smells. And look with the eyes of a hawk. Sharp. Precise. Missing nothing. Be alert to every movement, every clue, anything that is out of the ordinary.

"...go everywhere, see everything, overhear everyone.".

If you are emotionally reacting to a problem, you have already prejudged the problem. You have narrowed your mind by defining the problem as “bad”. Pretend you know nothing at this point. You do not know whether the problem is good or bad. For every problem carries its own story and and awaits its observer to interpret it. Simply observe…simple! For example if you are trying to understand someone...whether you knew them or not, I suggest you do not judge them base on facial value as it will definitely make you bias towards them.

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." - Sherlock Holmes

End of part 1 :p

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